Conad,Italiani nel dettaglio (Italians in retail)
Conad,Italiani nel dettaglio (Italians in retail)
To commemorate the 50th anniversary of Conad and the International Year of Cooperatives, creation and execution of the business culture project called “Italiani nel Dettaglio. Cinquant’anni di cooperazione tra dettaglianti” (Italians in retail. Fifty years of retailer partnerships): organisation of the associated theatre event, a one-night performance held at the Municipal Theatre in Bologna, and the associated publication, in partnership with Contrasto agency; organisation of the opening event, “Cooperare” (Cooperate), a lecture held by Massimo Cacciari; production of the 9-leg itinerant exhibition; organisation of the photography competition entitled “Italia, 1962” and editing of the associated publication; communication and media relations tools.

To commemorate the 50th anniversary of Conad and the International Year of Cooperatives, creation and execution of the business culture project called “Italiani nel Dettaglio. Cinquant’anni di cooperazione tra dettaglianti” (Italians in retail. Fifty years of retailer partnerships): organisation of the associated theatre event, a one-night performance held at the Municipal Theatre in Bologna, and the associated publication, in partnership with Contrasto agency; organisation of the opening event, “Cooperare” (Cooperate), a lecture held by Massimo Cacciari; production of the 9-leg itinerant exhibition; organisation of the photography competition entitled “Italia, 1962” and editing of the associated publication; communication and media relations tools.