Regional Government of Emilia-Romagnasocial and institutional campaigns
Regional Government of Emilia-Romagnasocial and institutional campaigns
Multi-stakeholder information campaign “Proteggersi sempre, discriminare mai” (Protection always; discrimination never), to prevent the spread of HIV and combat all forms of discrimination against HIV positive people: posters, radio ads, information videos, web campaigns (Google adwords and Display) and social media (You Tube).

Multi-stakeholder information campaign “Proteggersi sempre, discriminare mai” (Protection always; discrimination never), to prevent the spread of HIV and combat all forms of discrimination against HIV positive people: posters, radio ads, information videos, web campaigns (Google adwords and Display) and social media (You Tube).
“Accasiamoci” campaign supporting the regional programme “Una casa per le giovani coppie e altri nuclei familiari” (A home for young couples and other family units): partnership with Ikea for the distribution of advertising materials (postcards and posters), website, social media management, media relations.

“Accasiamoci” campaign supporting the regional programme “Una casa per le giovani coppie e altri nuclei familiari” (A home for young couples and other family units): partnership with Ikea for the distribution of advertising materials (postcards and posters), website, social media management, media relations.
Press campaign “Con l’Emilia-Romagna puoi fare di più” (You can do more thanks to Emilia-Romagna), for the promotion of Erdf Rop (European Regional Development Fund – Regional Operational Programme) 2014-2020.